The 4 Ultimate Advantages Of Dental Lumineers

Veneers just got better when dental Lumineers came into the picture of cosmetic dentistry. Lumineers are a brand of dental veneers that’s distinguished due to its thin quality. They are tooth shells that dentists use to fix mild discolouration, cracks and misshapen tooth. A regular veneer is usually 0.5 mm while Lumineers only has 0.2 mm in thickness. To help you visualize how thin a Lumineer is, it actually possesses the same width as a contact lens.

Aside from its thickness, the application of dental veneer needs shaping and trimming down the tooth that need the shells. However, with Lumineers, this step is minimized or even omitted which saves a large part of your natural teeth. Another great thing about dental Lumineers in London, Ontario is that it’s easier to replace than a veneer. Since the shells are so thin, removing it is not a complex process.

Advantages of having dental Lumineers

Stain resistant

The dental Lumineers procedure can enhance the look your smile area. It gives you whiter smile and well-shaped teeth. Moreover, the thin shells are resistant to highly pigmented food. Teeth stains are one of the biggest concerns of most patients in today's day and age. As a result, Lumineers were designed to flawlessly recreate the organic look of your original teeth that are stain resistant.

Maintains your natural looking smile.

This type of dental laminate is made of porcelain that mimics the exact look as your natural teeth. Only that this type, the laminated tooth is perfectly-shaped. In effect, the laminates enhance your smile with the worry of having an artificial look. In cases where patients have cracked, chipped teeth, little gaps in between and uneven size, having dental Lumineers is a good option to solve this problem. As a result, you will be less self-conscious about the teeth issues you have.

Faster procedure.

Placing Lumineers is a quick process since the need to trim down the treated tooth is no longer necessary. They’re called no-prep veneers for no reason. Also, there is no need to wear any type of temporary dental veneers prior to putting the Lumineers in place. This type of veneer is directly bonded to the tooth. Furthermore, there’s no need for anesthesia since the dental lumineers procedure is virtually painless.

It is reversible.

In some cases, the patient’s laminated tooth becomes damaged, therefore affecting the porcelain shell covering it. You do not have to worry about this if it happens since the procedure is reversible. It means that your dentist can remove the dental shell as if nothing ever happened. This is possible due to how thin Lumineers are so removing and reinstalling them is pretty easy.

Dental Lumineers are durable.

Many dental professionals will testify about the durability of dental Lumineers. Although the shells are quite thin, they are made of a special kind of porcelain that’s ultra-strong and durable.  They resist microleakage better than traditional porcelain veneers. Lumineers will last similarly long as a regular porcelain veneer. Furthermore, Lumineers usually costs less than regular porcelain veneers to boot.

Having to go through a dental lumineers procedure is almost a perfect solution, however, not all may qualify for this treatment. Your cosmetic dentist will need to evaluate your dental case to ensure that the treatment will not go to waste. The dental staff at Creative Dentistry ensures that you receive the right cosmetic treatment for an improved smile. They would recommend dental veneers when they find it more suitable for your dental case. You may also be a good candidate for laser teeth whitening that deeply whitens your teeth in less than an hour. See your cosmetic dentist at Creative Dentistry and learn about the many ways that he can improve your teeth’s aesthetics.


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